A needless to say theory for doing business, the products you sell must cater to the needs of consumers, and also be profitable. To be profitable an important aspect is the cost. Reasonable buying price from first-hand manufacturer is the key to compete in the markets. A good knowledge of different material and knowing where to locate suppliers specializing in different materials help a lot in getting the best products at the most incentive price especially for handbags. The following is a brief analysis of different handbags markets in Guihuagang handbags markets in Guangzhou.
Genuine Leather Handbags

Zhonggang handbags market is not the only one specializing in genuine leather in Guihuagang. If you are looking for a cheap alternative for top quality genuine leather, then second grade genuine leather would be a great option. Check Yangsheng handbags market with a vast array of second-grade genuine leather handbags at much lower price. It is better not to have too high expectation on the quality of the handbags offered at Yangsheng, but it is reasonable to tell all the customers the handbags are manufactured from genuine leather – second grade genuine leather. Some stores have stocks, while some only accept orders, usually with a MOQ of 30, 50 or any amount around.
PU Leather Handbags

Xindonghao handbags market is not strange to most people. Most of the handbags offered there have stocks, but some handbags are originally bought from Zhuolong handbags market, Tianhong handbags market, etc. If you can’t get first-hand source, of course you would have to pay service fee and get from the second hand suppliers. If you are only targeting at very cheap handbags, then don’t miss Shuidian handbags market and Qianse handbags market, where most of the bags have stocks.
Belts and Wallets

Belts and wallets are mainly centered in Yifa handbags market with stocks and also accept orders. Most of the stores there are not factories, rather, they cooperate with factories.
Men’s Handbags
Xinhuihao handbags market is the main market for men’s handbags especially men’s leather handbags and belts.
Baiyun World Leather Trading Center
Baiyun leather center is the ideal place to get the latest information from big brands. High quality, medium quality and low quality handbags are at your choice.
Handbags Stock Market
The stock markets in Shijing town, Baiyun district is one of the most famous in China. If time permitted, you can find very good stocks only at about half of the cost. However, usually you have to buy all the stocks, it is vital to have good eyes whether the stocks you decide to buy would sell well in your market or not.