In Guangzhou, you can afford to wear new shoes literally everyday. I’m not exaggerating. As the saying goes, a girl can never have enough jewelry, so are shoes. A shoppers’ nirvana, Guangzhou has shoes for every budget. Housing over 20 multi-level shoes wholesale markets, there’s no dearth of variety when it comes to footwear that keeps you in vogue. The Guangzhou shoes wholesale markets have everything from sports shoes, flip flops, loafers, sneakers, boat shoes, sandals, high-heels to boots.
In our previous post, we’ve listed top 6 China shoes wholesale markets that you can buy wholesale shoes for resale in other countries at a good profit. In this post we would delve into Huanan shoes wholesale city, one of the most popular China footwear wholesale markets that worth the effort to spend several hours sifting through heaps and piles of chic, gorgeous shoes at unbelievable rates.
Guangzhou xinhuanan shoes wholesale city, in particular, is abbreviated as Huanan shoes city. Xin, which means new in Chinese, while Huanan refers to South China. In literal translation it means New South China shoes wholesale city. Imagine a wholesale market being officially granted with the name of a massive region South China, it’s not hard to know its leading position in China footwear industry and why it worth the efforts commuting as the footwear wholesale market is located in the outskirt of Guangzhou.
How to get to Huanan shoes wholesale city?
The footwear wholesale market is at a distance of 1.4 km from Nanzhou subway station, line 2.
Location: Guangzhou Dadao Nan
Opening hours: 10:00 AM – 18:00 PM
The largest of its kind in South China, the shoes wholesale market founded in 1997 operates at a massive scale of 150,000 square meters.

The entrance of Huanan shoes wholesale city

Mini vans parking in front of the shoes market waiting anxiously for the next customer, people running errands either on foot or by bike, a primary school student walking to the other side of the market, posters on the wall with all types of recruitment, rental ads, few grocery stores and restaurants amid a vast array of shoes wholesale stores, the vibrant and lively atmosphere of Xinhuanan shoes wholesale market is what typical of a China town, particularly for those who have never been to China to picture the scene.

Make your way inside the China footwear market you’ll find arrays and arrays of shops with a massive plethora of shoes featuring fabulous designs. You can find any style and color imaginable, and some you’ve probably never saw before. You’ll be spoiled by choice and the ridiculously low prices.

Almost every shoes shop has put several small stools beside the shoes so you can easily try the samples.

Cartons and cartons of shoes are piling high in front of the shoes shops.
Whether you’re on the hunt for wholesale deals of shoes or just thinking about revamping your shoes closet, Huanan shoes wholesale city is the kind of place that deserves all the efforts.